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Old ginkgo trees attract tourists to Zhangjiagang

Updated: 2019-12-06

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Old ginkgo trees attract tourists to Zhangjiagang

A path at the Shuangxing Temple is covered with a golden carpet as ginkgo leaves fall. The temple is located in Zhangjianggang, a county-level city in Suzhou, East China’s Jiangsu province, and is home to three ginkgo trees, which are hundreds of years old. [Photo/WeChat account: zjgcitynews]

Old ginkgo trees attract tourists to Zhangjiagang

The first two trees were grown by a master of the temple during the reign of Emperor Tianqi (1621-1627) of the Ming Dynasty, and brought the temple the current name of Shuangxing, which means two ginkgo trees. The third tree was planted in the middle of the previous two in 1674, when the temple burned down and was reconstructed as a Chenghuang Temple, or Town's God Temple. [Photo/WeChat account: zjgcitynews]

Old ginkgo trees attract tourists to Zhangjiagang

Tourists take photos under the ginkgo trees at the Shuangxing Temple in Zhangjiagang. [Photo/WeChat account: zjgcitynews]

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