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Culture and art festival opens in Zhangjiagang

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2018-11-01

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The 2018 Yangtze River Culture and Art Festival and the 6th International Humor Art Week raised its curtain at the Poly Grand Theater in Zhangjiagang, East China's Jiangsu province on Oct 31.

Launched in 2004, the annual event in Zhangjiagang aims to celebrate and bring together the culture and arts of the 12 Chinese provinces along the Yangtze River.

A wide range of art forms including magic, crosstalk, and traditional drama show are being staged in the port city, offering local residents a chance to enjoy performers from China and around the world.

This year’s festival, which runs through Nov 14, has two important parts - the 6th International Humor Art Week and the 8th Yangtze River Drama Festival.

At the opening ceremony, humor artists from across China and foreign countries performed songs and dances as well as acrobatics and clown shows.

Jointly hosted by the Chinese Ballad Singers Association and the China Acrobats Association, the 6th International Humor Art Week, from Oct 31 to Nov 3, will showcase around 60 artworks including magic and clown shows from the United States, Russia and France as well as cross talks and Suzhou Pingtan from China.

A series of Chinese traditional drama performances will be presented at the 8th Yangtze River Drama Festival from Nov 4 to 14 including Shanghai Opera Ode of Qingshan Mountain and Huangmeixi Sister Jiang.

This year's festival will also be more inclusive than ever before, with discounted tickets and free public performances to encourage more people to get involved with the events.

Culture and art festival opens in Zhangjiagang

The 2018 Yangtze River Culture and Art Festival and the 6th International Humor Art Week opens at Poly Grand Theater in Zhangjiagang, East China’s Jiangsu province on Oct 31. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Culture and art festival opens in Zhangjiagang

The Face/off performance. [Photo by Pu Jianming provided to chinadaily.con.cn]

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