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Ask vehicle doctor for help

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-03-14

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A man surnamed Wang experienced problems with his car asked for help from a website of some vehicle ‘doctors’ in Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu province. After communicating with experts, he was given advice and got his car repaired quickly. He said the website is great and should be known by more people.

There were more than 240,000 vehicles in Zhangjiagang as at the end of 2013, 80 percent of which are private cars. More car owners are looking for convenient, cheap and personalized car maintenance services.

There are 163 large garages and 521 small ones in the city, and together they can provide service for 860,000 vehicles.

However, car repair and maintenance is work for professionals and most car owners don’t know how to repair a car.

“It’s difficult for ordinary people to find underlying rules in the industry. I have been careful when I have had my car repaired and maintained, but I have been cheated sometimes,” said a man surnamed Yan, living in the Yunpansancun community.

The transportation department of the city government set up the vehicle doctor website in August 2010 to solve the problem. 30 experts were chosen from large garages to work all year round to serve car owners.

Experts will give reasonable suggestions regarding vehicle repairs, technical problems and mediate over disputes for car owners free of charge.

The website has provided service to more than 47,000 car owners, solved problems on 28,000 cars and mediated 95 disputes between car owners and garages.

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