Zhangjiagang  :  

Zhangjiagang promotes single-child insurance

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2013-12-13

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The Zhangjiagang commission of population and family planning has issued a notice to start work on promoting single-child health insurance. The notices, including nearly 90,000 letters for single-children parents, were sent to thousands of families in the city.

Single-child health insurance is designed for families with only one child. The insurance requires just a small premium, 30 yuan ($4.94) per year. The families will be covered for 58,000 yuan at most. It aims to help families when the child falls seriously ill.

Zhangjiagang has set up a complete insurance plan for family planning, including single-child health insurance, hospital care insurance, life insurance and life insurance for babies aged 0-3.

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