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Zhangjiagang hosts promotion meeting on volunteer work

Updated: 2013-01-22

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A promotion meeting for the city’s volunteer work was held in Shazhou Hotel on the afternoon of Nov 21, 2012.

Yang Fang, publicity minister of Zhangjiagang city, attended the meeting.

In 2012, the city earnestly followed the requirements for voluntary service, known as “Three Caring”, to constantly promote volunteer work. The municipal civilization office launched the “Learning from Lei Feng--Voluntary Service Partner Program”.

Different towns have launched nearly 100 voluntary service projects. Enterprise funding for voluntary services totaled more than 110 million yuan. More than 12,000 volunteers attended, benefiting a population of 58,000 people.

Yang Fang said: “A good volunteer service is key to the innovation and enhancement of urban civilization.” She asked all departments to strengthen the construction of workplaces and volunteer teams to ensure the long-term development of volunteer service.

Before the meeting, all participants visited “Love and Mutual-Aid Street” in Yonglian village, Xincheng community in Jingang town and other places.

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