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Bonded store sells cheaper seafood

Updated: 2015-08-11

Youchuan Bonded Store, at No 1, Gaolang East Road, Wuxi New District, imported dozens of fish recently which are 40 to 50 percent cheaper than common stores, said wxrb.com.

The store's seafood is packed in ice storages immediately after being caught in the Atlantic, and takes less than ten days to get to the store. Therefore, customers can get fresh seafood at low prices.

The bonded store plans a 1,000-square-meter cross-border e-commerce experience store in September, which will specialize in imported foodstuffs. Customers will be able to buy coffee beans and steaks, as well as frozen seafood there.

The former Wuxi New District, now known as Wuxi Xinwu district or Wuxi National Hi-tech district, was founded in 1992 and underwent administrative changes in 1995, 2002 and 2005.

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