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Zhouzhuang: China's first water-town

Updated : 2014-10-16

Zhouzhuang: China's first water-town

Twin Bridge

Twin Bridge in Zhouzhuang, also known as Key Bridge, is made up of Shide Bridge, a stone arch bridge, and Yongan Bridge, a stone beam bridge, both dating back to the Wanli period during the Ming Dynasty (1573-1619). Twin Bridge's two holes are square and round respectively, like a key used in ancient times, hence the name Key Bridge. Shide Bridge is 16 meters long and 3 meters wide, stretching 5.9 meters. The length of Yongan Bridge is 13.3 meters, with a width of 2.4 meters, and span of 3.5 meters.

Surrounded by blue water, lush trees and moving boats, Twin Bridge fully expresses the essence of this ancient town. Along the bridge, numerous painters and photographers have come to appreciate and record this charming place every season.

There is a story about the bridge. In the spring of 1984, the famous Shanghai painter Chen Yifei living in America came to Zhouzhuang by boat. The combination of bridges, water and people deeply attracted Chen, taking his memories back to his childhood. Thus, he created a painting named Hometown in Memory set on the Twin Bridge.

Later, this painting, along with his other 37 works, was exhibited in the Hammer Exhibition Gallery named after Armand Hammer, chairman of Occidental Petroleum, and caused a sensation. Finally, Hometown in Memory was purchased by Armand Hammer at a high price and sent to Deng Xiaoping, former Chinese president, during Hammer's visit to China.

Each year, six outstanding painters around the world are chosen by the United Nations to freely design pictures as six first-day cover stamps. Chen won this honor in 1985 with this painting. This first-day cover was not only warmly welcomed, but also popularized Zhouzhuang to the world.

Chen Yifei's paintings made the obscure bridge known worldwide. Key Bridge is not a key but better than a key, because it opens the friendship door between Zhouzhuang and the world.

In 2012, Twin Bridge was on the list of "Jiangsu's eight most beautiful love bridges" published by Sina.



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