How to get to Kunshan - by train


Updated: 2013-07-10

Around Kunshan

How to get to Kunshan - by train

The Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway and the Shanghai–Nanjing Intercity High-Speed Railway both pass through Kunshan. The former stops by the Kunshan South Railway Station, while the latter stops by Yangcheng Lake Railway Station, the Kunshan South Railway Station and the Huaqiao Railway Station. Kunshan is the only county-level city where the Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed trains stop.

How to get to Kunshan - by train
In the city

Booking center

Add: 1F Century Shopping Mall, No 99 Renmingnan Road, Kunshan

Tel: 0512-57575939


Four special holiday dishes to try in Kunshan

Like Christmas Day in the West, it is traditional in China to cook up an enormous feast on Chinese New Year, with dinner tables groaning under the weight of dozens of dishes.

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