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The best leisure tourist route

Situated in the heart of China, Hubei offers abundant leisurely tourist activities from its beautiful natural landscape. Flowers, hot springs, and river rafting are merely a few of the attractions that the area offers.

The best rural tourist route

Chinese culture is rooted in farming activities and for thousands of years, the people of China have been full of awe, veneration and attachment to land.

The best tourist route for photographers

Hubei, covering 185,900 square km, is in the heart of China and on the border between step 2 and step 3 terraces. Unique geological conditions have created the region’s diverse natural landscape.

The best self-driving tourist route

The freedom and unrestraint of self-driving tour has attracted more and more car owners. They long for leaving the cold steel and cement cities, returning to the nature and enjoying the leisure and comfort.

The best revolutionary tourist route

At present, revolutionary tourism of Hubei may be divided into three major areas and are mainly in the areas centering on Wuhan, Dabieshan and Honghu Qujiawan.

The best tourist route for foreigners

Following the rise of the status of China in the international arena, Hubei, with its strong Chinese cultural essence, is attracting more and more tourists.

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Contact Us: Foreign Affairs (Overseas Chinese Affairs) Office of Hubei Provincial People's Government
Tel: 0086-27-87713805 Fax: 0086-27-87811262 Email: faomsc@fohb.gov.cn
Address: No 3, Bayi Road, Wuchang, Wuhan, Hubei province Post code: 430071