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Sugarcane festival, a folk custom of Wuchang

"On March 28, we go to Hongshan to worship Bodhisattva. With more money in our pocket, we eat sugarcanes. With less money in hand, we eat fried dough twists."

Jingzhou folk custom: temple fair at Guan Yu Temple

In the first month of the lunar year and on May 13th of the lunar calendar, a grand temple fair is held at the Temple of Guan Yu.

Hubei folk paper cutting art

Women of Xiaogan city, Hubei province, have the folk custom of singing Qing Qi songs on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

Folk customs of Hakka People in Hubei

Hakka People carried on many unique ancient customs and traditions.

Wedding lament, unique custom of the Tujia ethnic group

The Tujia ethnic group has a unique folk custom, in which the bride wails upon leaving her home on the wedding day. Women of Tujia ethnic group have the "weeping tradition" before marriage.

Stay up on New Year's Eve: the rural folk custom of northwest Hubei

In the Chinese lunar calendar, the last day of the twelfth month is called New Year's Eve.

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Address: No 3, Bayi Road, Wuchang, Wuhan, Hubei province Post code: 430071