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A Province with One Thousand Lakes
Traditional Inland Transportation Hub

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Hubei in Brief

Hubei covers an area of 186 thousand square km with a population of 61 million. It enjoys outstanding geographic advantages with its market mediation of around 1 billion consumers. In the year of 2011, the GDP of Hubei province reached 1.8 trillion RMB Yuan, leading in the six provinces of central China. Hubei is becoming the strategic supporting point for the rise of central China.

Geographic Location

Located in the heartland of China and the middle reaches of Yangtze River, the province is named Hubei as it lies to the north of Dongting Lake. Hubei stretches from 108°21′42″to 116°07′50″east of longitude and from 29°01′53″ to 33°16′47″ north of latitude. Hubei has a subtropical monsoon humid climate.

Taking Wuhan as the center of a circle, within 1,200 kilometers, you can reach Beijing and Tianjin in the north, Guangzhou and Hong Kong in the south, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Taibei in the east, and Chengdu and Xi'an in the west, covering 70% of the large and medium sized cities in China.

Administrative Division of Hubei

Hubei has 12 municipalities, 1 autonomous prefecture, 38 municipal districts, 24 county-level cities (including 3 sub-prefecture cities), 38 counties, 2 autonomous counties and 1 forest region.

Wuhan, the Central Metropolis of Central China

Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei province, covers an area of 8,494 square km with a population of 11 million. In the year of 2011, the GDP of Wuhan exceeded 650 billion RMB Yuan.

As a central metropolis of central China, Wuhan enjoys long history and splendid culture. Known as the Heart of Chinese Economic Geography and the Traditional Inland Transportation Hub, it is an important industrial, educational and research base and transportation hub.

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Contact Us: Foreign Affairs (Overseas Chinese Affairs) Office of Hubei Provincial People's Government
Tel: 0086-27-87713805 Fax: 0086-27-87811262 Email: faomsc@fohb.gov.cn
Address: No 3, Bayi Road, Wuchang, Wuhan, Hubei province Post code: 430071