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Three Gorges Dam receives record number of visitors

( Xinhua )

Updated: 2012-01-30

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YICHANG - A record number of tourists swarmed into the city of Yichang, home of the Three Gorges Dam in central China's Hubei province, during the seven-day Spring Festival holiday.

From January 22 to 28, over 565,000 tourists visited the city, bringing in 192 million yuan ($30.45 million) in tourism-related revenues, according to statistics frmo the city's tourism bureau.

The city touts the scenic Three Gorges Dam, as well as the Gezhouba Dam and Xiling Gorge, as major tourist attractions.

The Three Gorges Dam is a multi-functional water control system, consisting of a 2,309-meter-long, 185-meter-high dam, a five-tier ship lock and 26 hydropower generators.

The construction of the $22.5-billion Three Gorges project began in 1993 and was finished in 2009. It started generating electricity in 2003.

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