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Hubei Provincial People's Government

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Government Structure

Office of Hubei Provincial People's Government

Secretary General: Fu Dehui

Deputy Secretary General: Yan Guanjin, Huang Guoxiong

Add: No.7 Hongshanlu, Wuchang District, Wuhan, Hubei 430071

Tel: 027-87826041

Fax: 027-87826041

Website: www.hbzljd.gov.cn

Commission of Development and Reform

Director-General: Xu Kezhen

Deputy Director-Generals: Lu Ce, Xiao Anmin, Peng Jun, Zhen Jianqiao, Liu Zhaolin, Wang Yuxiang, Pan Youcheng, Zhou Feng, Chen Hui

Add: No.17 Dongyilu, Wuchang District, Wuhan, Hubei 430071

Tel: 027-87231251

Fax: 027-87816227

Website: www.hbjw.gov.cn

Commission of Economy and Information Technology

Director-General: Ouyang Wankun

Deputy Director-Generals: Tu Ming'an, Xia Ping, Liu Jinwen, Hu Shuhua, Bu Jiangrong

Add: Shengweidayuan, Shuiguohu, Wuchang District, Wuhan, Hubei 430071

Tel: 027-87235832

Fax: 027-87828252

Website: www.hbsme.gov.cn

Department of Education

Director-General: Chen Anli

Deputy Director-Generals: Cai Minzu, Chen Chuande, Ouyang Jianping, Huang Jian, Xu Jinshan, Zhang Jinyuan

Add: No.8 Hongshanlu, Wuhan, Hubei 430071

Tel: 027-87328191

Fax: 027-87328129

Website: www.hbe.gov.cn

Department of Science and Technology

Director-General: Liu Chuantie

Deputy Director-Generals: Wang Dongfeng, Zheng Chunbai, Huang Guobin, Zhou Aiqing, Zhang Zhenlong

Add: No.52 Shuiguohu, Nanyuancun, Wuchang District, Wuhan, Hubei 430071

Tel: 027-87135893

Fax: 027-87135895

Website: www.hbstd.gov.cn

Public Security Department

Department of Public Security

Director-General: Wu Yongwen

Deputy Director-Generals: Shang Wu, Huang Hong, Zhao Fei, Yu Chunxiang, Zhou Jiazhu

Add: No.181 Xiongchudajie, Wuchang District, Wuhan, Hubei 430071

Tel: 027-67122288

Fax: 027-87815189

Website: www.hbgat.gov.cn

Department of Justice

Director-General: Wang Daosheng

Deputy Director-Generals: Cheng Ying, Chen Beiyang, Liu Zhi’an, Li Renzhen, Ma Anjun, Chen Wengui

Add: No.22 Hongshancelu, Wuhan, Hubei 430071

Tel: 027-87824897

Fax: 027-87309452

Website: www.hbsf.gov.cn

Department of Finance

Director-General: Wang Wentong

Deputy Director-Generals: Zhou Shunming, Wang Huaxin, Hong Liu, Wang Qiyang, Cheng Yongwen

Add: No.8 Zhongbeilu, Wuhan, Hubei 430071

Tel: 027-67818866

Fax: 027-87710285

Website: www.ecz.gov.cn

Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision

Director-General: Wang Zehong

Deputy Director-Generals: Zhan Yongjie, Zhou Dewen, Liu Siyuan, Song Shaohua

Add: No.1 Donghulu, Wuchang District, Wuhan, Hubei 430071

Tel: 027-87826041

Fax: 027-87826041

Website: www.hbzljd.gov.cn

Department of Environmental Protection

Director-General: Li Bing

Deputy Director-Generals: Lv Wenyan, Zhou Xinxin, Zou Qingping, Liu Tianzhong, He Shibiao

Add: No.346 Bayilu, Wuchang District, Wuhan, Hubei 430072

Tel: 027-87167105

Fax: 027-66320521

Website: www.hbepb.gov.cn

Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

Director-General: Li Debing

Deputy Director-Generals: Zhan Shiliang, Zhang Xuefeng, Ou Yongguang, Mao Chuanqiang, Yang Shiyuan

Add: No.14 Zhongnanlu, Wuchang District, Wuhan, Hubei 430071

Tel: 027-68873071 68873072 68873073 68873075 68873076 68873077

Fax: 027-87826675

Website: http://www.hbzfhcxjst.gov.cn/ConfigWeb/Index.aspx

Department of Transport

Director-General: You Xigui

Deputy Director-Generals: Ma Lijun, Zhang Yun, Xie Qiang, Tian Wenbiao

Add: No.428 Jianshedadao, Hankou District, Wuhan, Hubei 430030

Tel: 027-83460311

Fax: 027-83460318

Website: www.hbjt.gov.cn

Department of Water Resources

Director-General: Wang Zhongfa

Deputy Director-Generals: Wu Kegang, Zhou Hankui, Liu Lieyu, Jin Zhengjian, Shi, Fangbin

Add: No.17 Zhongnanlu, Wuchang District, Wuhan, Hubei 430071

Tel: 027-87221114 9371111

Fax: 027-87308254

Website: www.hubeiwater.gov.cn

Department of Agriculture

Director-General: Zhu Jinshui

Deputy Director-Generals: Yu Shengwei, Wang Dunsheng, Xu Nenghai,Wang Hongling, Wang Zhaomin, Jiao Taiwen

Add: No.519 Wuluolu, Wuhan, Hubei 430070

Tel: 027-87875129 87889919

Fax: 027-87740121

Website: www.hbagri.gov.cn

Department of Commerce

Director-General: Zhou Xianwang

Deputy Director-Generals: Zhang Zaoyang, Zhang Zhongbao, Yuan Yajie, Chen Huazhi

Add: No.8 Jianghanbeilu, Wuhan, Hubei 430022

Tel: 027-85774233

Fax: 027-85720637

Website: www.hbdofcom.gov.cn

Department of Health

Director-General: Jiao Hong

Deputy Director-Generals: Yang Youwang, Yao Yun, Zhang Yu,Zhang Junchao, Sun Bing

Add: No.165 Donghulu, Wuchang District, Wuhan, Hubei 430071

Tel: 027-87823981 87824784

Fax: 027-87821724

Website: www.hbws.gov.cn

Foreign Affairs Office and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office

Director-General: Yan Puliu

Deputy Director-Generals: Zhang Xiaomei, Qing Yu, Hu Yinghai

Add: No.3 Bayilu, Wuchang District, Wuhan, Hubei 430071

Tel: 027- 87811321

Fax: 027- 87811262

Website: www.fohb.gov.cn

Commission of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration

Director-General: Yang Zezhu

Deputy Director-Generals: Sun Zhensheng, Huang Jianhong, Wang Kan, Lu Liping, Lv Xiaohua

Add: No.7 Hongshanlu, Wuhan, Hubei 430071

Tel: 027-87235623

Fax: 027-87812915

Website: www.hbgzw.gov.cn

Bureau of Local Taxation

Director-General: Xu Jianguo

Deputy Director-Generals: Luo Tao, Zhong Shouying, Xiao Houxiong, Yu Wei, Xiao Xuhu

Add: No.101 Donghulu, Wuchang District, Wuhan, Hubei 430071

Tel: 027-87328532

Fax: 027-87328725

Website: http://www.hb-l-tax.gov.cn

Administration of Industry and Commerce

Director-General: Liu Yuanchao

Deputy Director-Generals: Guo Yuejin, Zhang Guangcan, Liu Chunhua, Wang Qingxin, Feng Wei

Add: No.145 Donghulu, Wuchang District, Wuhan, Hubei 430077

Tel: 027- 86781453

Fax: 027-86783454

Website: www.egs.gov.cn

Bureau of Press and Publication (Bureau of Copyright)

Director-General: Zhang Ruzhi

Deputy Director-Generals: Xie Ming, Chen Feng, Zeng Xiangyang, Ma li, Shao Mingyi

Add: No.39 Huanglilu, Wuchang District, Wuhan, Hubei 430077

Tel: 027-68892406 68892409

Fax: 027-68892408

Website: www.hbnp.gov.cn

Administration of Food and Drug

Director-General: Zou Xianqi

Deputy Director-Generals: Fu Tiecheng,Cao Jinglan, Liu Hanqing

Add: No.136 Donghulu, Wuhan, Hubei 430071

Tel: 027-87253751

Fax: 027-87293629

Website: www.hubfda.gov.cn

Administration of Tourism

Director-General: Zhang Dahua

Deputy Director-Generals: Pan Xihan, Hu Liming, Xu Yanbing, Jiang Xinghua

Add: No.98 Zhongbeilu, Wuchang District, Wuhan, Hubei 430077





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Tel: 0086-27-87713805 Fax: 0086-27-87811262 Email: faomsc@fohb.gov.cn
Address: No 3, Bayi Road, Wuchang, Wuhan, Hubei province Post code: 430071