
CEEC: No.2 steam turbine of Sasan Ultra Mega Power Station boxed up

Updated: 2013-08-06

On Aug 3 (local time), the box-up work of No.2 steam turbine of 6*660,000-kilowatt Sasan Ultra Mega, which was undertaken by CEEC, was successfully completed, indicating the unit has entered the commissioning phase in an all-around way.

Before the box-up work, the general contractor organized experts to inspected the No.2 unit and accepted the steam turbine and relevant materials. In the process of inspection, the experts made a sample check on the bed-plate gap of the steam turbine, elevation of rotor and steam cylinder, gap of sliding pin, center of rotor coupling, flow path clearance and bearing bush clearance, etc., and all of the measured results comply with the design requirements of the drawings and are considered excellent.


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