
President of Ecuador inspects CGGC's Sopladora Hydropower Station

Updated: 2011-11-02

On Oct 27, President Rafael Correa Delgado of Ecuador inspected the construction site of Sopladora Hydropower Station contracted by CGGC.

President of Ecuador inspects CGGC's Sopladora Hydropower Station

President Rafael Correa Delgado (left) inspects the construction site of Sopradora Hydropower Station accompanied by head of the property owner and the CGGC Sopradora project team

President Rafael Correa Delgado inspected the transport channel entering the site and other places on the construction site accompanied by Segundo Vanegas, representative of the property owner and the CGGC Solpradora project team, and listened to reports on the profile and progress of the project.

As the third cascade hydropower station on the Paute River, Sopradora Hydropower Station has a total installed capacity of 487,000 kilowatts. Its total construction cost registered $672 million, 85 percent of which were provided by Import and Export Bank of China. The project was solely contracted by CGGC and the construction started on April 26, 2011 with a contract period of four years.


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