In recent days, representatives of owners of Tatai Hydroelectric Project—Vice General Manager of China National Heavy Machinery Corporation (CHMC) and General Manager of Tatai Hydroelectric Corporation Zhu Xu, and Yang Zhanyu, chief engineer of Tatai Hydroelectric Corporation paid an inspection to No.1 Engineering Company and communicated with responsible persons on construction of Tatai Hydro Plant.
Tatai Hydro plant is located in Thmo Bang in northeast of Koh Kong, about 300km from the capital city Phnom Penh and 243 kilometers from the largest seaport of the country—Sihanouk. This is an important hydroelectric project in Cambodia with an installed capacity of 246000 kilowatts and an annual output of 0.849 billion kilowatt hours.
Tatai hydroelectric project is constructed by CGGC No.1 Engineering Company. The project involves the first hub main dam and the auxiliary dam, access tunnel, and workshop of the plant. The project will be completed on Nov 30, 2013, with a duration of 48 months. This is the first international project of the Company in 2010 through public bidding, and its largest project in Southeast Asia by now. The project has completed the No.1 and No.2 bridges on April 15, and trial operation of sandstone system on July 15, winning appreciation from the owners and supervisors.
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