
Sawani section of Fiji highway reconstruction project is in full swing

Updated: 2010-06-04

Sawani section of Fiji highway reconstruction project is in full swing

Mr Bainimarama (right), Prime Minister of Fiji, joins Yu Changsheng, a leader of CGGC, in the construction commencement ceremony.

On June 1, the CGGC-contracted Sawani section of the Fiji highway reconstruction project officially started. By then, the construction of the two sections of the project had started, which marked the full-scale construction of the whole project.

At the ceremony, Cai Shuizeng, commercial counselor of Chinese Embassy in Fiji, spoke highly of CGGC’s constant efforts in exploring the infrastructure market in Fiji and careful planning and thorough preparations at earlier stages of the project. He concluded by wishing the project a great success.

Yu Changsheng, a leader of CGGC, made a promise at the ceremony that, in spite of harsh climatic conditions such as too much rain in the construction site, CGGC would carefully organize and scientifically implement the construction plan to ensure a high-quality project would be completed as scheduled.

Fijian Prime Minister Bainimarama congratulated the start of the Sawani Section of the Fiji highway reconstruction project. He expressed his confidence that CGGC, as a strong international contractor, would with no doubt do a great job in accomplishing the task and benefit local people.

As a key project of Fijian government, Fiji highway reconstruction project played a vital role in improving living conditions, creating job opportunities, and promoting regional economic development. Fiji national media such as Fiji Sun, Fiji Times and Fiji TV all covered the project on the spot and spoke highly of CGGC’s active role in local infrastructure construction.


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