
Road network reconstruction project kicks off in Lagos, Nigeria

Updated: 2010-01-15

Jan 12, 2010 saw the official commencement of the road network reconstruction project in Mushin District, Lagos, Nigeria. Chinese Consul-general in Lagos, deputies from Nigerian Ministry of Labour and State Government of Lagos State and the project representative of China Gezhouba Group Co. (the Company) attended the ceremony.

The Phase One of the project in Lagos, the largest city and commercial center in Nigeria, will include the retrofitting of 16 streets as well as measurement, design and construction of the municipal water supply and drainage system in the contract period of 18 months. Once finished, the project will considerably beautify the city's appearance and promote its social and economic development.

The client representative, Consul-general from Chinese Embassy in Lagos and the competent official from the Company addressed the commencement ceremony. The official in charge of the company's branch in Nigeria pledged to bring benefits to Nigerian people through meticulous construction.

Guo Kun, Chinese Consul-general in Lagos, said in the ceremony that "peace, development and cooperation" is China's diplomatic principle, and he hoped that this project would contribute to the local economic growth and closer friendship between the two peoples.


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