
CGGC Chairman visits Malian President

Updated: 2009-03-01

“Welcome CGGC to work for Malian economic growth!” by President Toure

CGGC Chairman visits Malian President

Yang shaking hands with Malian President Amadou Toumany Toure

Yang Jixue paid a visit to Malian President in his Presidential Palace along Niger River in mid noon on Feb 13 after the farewell to Chinese President Hu’s delegation.

CGGC Chairman visits Malian President

Yang and Toure in cordial discussion

After extending his warm welcome to CGGC senior level, the President stated that he was told by President Hu that CGGC is an excellent Chinese enterprise and main contractor of world famous Three Gorges Hydroelectric Project and he believed that CGGC, the national team selected by President Hu would build up a marvelous Sino-Mali friendship bridge. President Toure will also keep an eye on the construction of this largest infrastructure as international influence of the essence.

Briefing of CGGC and its international projects, Yang committed to construct this bridge as Three Gorges Project in Mali and wished to base in Mali and West Africa by the start of this Project for the contribution to Malian economic growth. The President was sincerely invited to visit CGGC and Three Gorges Project by the Chairman.

The President extended his thanks and need of capable companies like CGGC for the development of Mali and encouraged CGGC for further and positive involvement in Malian economic growth.



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