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Xingtai Travel Guide
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Population: 6,730,000

Area: 12,486 square kilometers (4821 square miles)

Nationalities: Han

Administrative Division: 2 districts; 15 counties, 2 county-level cities

Useful Numbers:
      Tourist Complaint: 0319-5212007
      Weather Forecast: 121
      Zip Code Inquiry: 184

Location: Seated in the southern part of Hebei Province, the city borders Shangdong Province in the east with Taihang Mountains rising in the west. It is 108 kilometers (67 miles) south of Shijiagzhuang City and 396 kilometers (246 miles) away from Beijing.

History: Historically, Xingtai has borne many names. As a fiefdom of Zhao Kingdom in early Warring States Period (476BC-221BC), it was called Xiangguo. During Sui (581-618) and Tang (618-907) dynasties, it was named Longgang, and then got the name of Xingtai in the year of 112 in Song Dynasty (960-1279). In addition, it is the site where one of the seven famous kilns in Tang Dynasty, Xing Kiln, is seated having a brilliant history of white porcelain making.

Physical Features: Located at the convergence of Taihang Mountains and North China Plain, Xingtai city slopes from the west to the east. Its main topography is plain occupying more than half of the city area. Xingtai has reserves of black metal and other minerals.

Climatic Features: Enjoying a warm-temperate monsoon climate, the city is dry and usually windy in spring. In summer, it is rainy and damp and the weather is cool and stable in autumn. Like in all the cities in northern China, people will spend a dry and cold winter with less rain and snow. Their hottest and coldest months are respectively July and January with average temperature of 26C (78.8F) and -3C (26.6F).
When to Go: Visitors often choose to visit Xingtai in autumn not only for the favorable weather but also for the well known Xingtai chestnuts.

Local Highlights:Yangge Songs: a kind of folk song with dance originating from the Rice-sprout songs while doing farm work.Meihuaquan: Plum Blossom Fist, a kind of martial art that especially famous for its Meihuazhuang (quincuncial piles)

Special Local Products: medlar, Chuanzhihong apricot, honeysuckle flower, sesame candy, cashmere of Qinghe County

Scenic Spots:

White Cloud Cave of Mount Kong

Located in Licheng County in Xingtai City, White Cloud Cave of Mount Kong is a rare karst cave covering an area of 4,784 square yards. There are four large cave chambers which present different views. The first chamber is as splendid as heaven. The crystal stone screens hangs right in front of you, shining brightly dazzling your eyes. The second chamber shows us a scene which may exist in hell by a forest of overhanging strange and jagged stones. The third chamber is a peaceful human world with a forest of rocks and creeks. The fourth chamber tells you what it is like in the Dragon Palace in the stories by presenting stone tree branches and densely covered pools. Here, the nature is the great sculptor and the vast array of stones is its favorite works. Due to its graceful conformation, it is regarded as the museum of karst cave and underground maze.

Near White Cloud Cave of Mount Kong, there is the enchanting and fascinating Xishan Lake and Little Heavenly Pool which has an interesting name "Understanding Nature". Dotted by the beautiful and verdant hills, the land presents a picturesque view which is good for relaxing and contemplation.

Gorges of Taihang Mountains: It is a forges community comprised of total 24 gorges along the Taihang Mountains forming a series of spectacular sights.

Tourist Tips: Visitors can have a five and a half hours ride from Xingtai to Beijing. There are also buses running every 30 minutes to Shijiazhuang and Jinan.