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City management of Hangzhou aims to go digital
( chinadaily.com.cn )

A digital platform for the city's management is being built by the eastern city of Hangzhou, in a bid to utilize intelligent management mechanisms that integrate modern information technologies such as information fusion and Internet communication.

Being the first city in China to pass an acceptance of digital city management in 2006, Hangzhou's magic bullet for its success lies in its investment in marketization and optimized resource allocation.

Instead of forming a team by itself, the government employed specialized companies with more than 500 personels to supervise and report on road conditions and the environment.

It has also quantized standards and detailed assessments on the efficiency of problem solving. For instance, a downtown manhole cover which has a broken area of more than 25 square centimeters, should - once reported - be fixed within four days.

The resolution rate of first-call incidents has increased from 26.7 percent five years ago to the current 98.48 percent. The time for resolution of a single case sits at 5.24 hours, an 82.4 percent reduction from the previous 29.86 hours.

The city management bureau has a massive network of road monitoring as it cooperates with 846 companies and 468 communities sharing their camera views. It has expanded its coverage while at the same time saved half of the funds it spent on network building.

The digital network has especially proved itself in natural disaster emergency management, as it is able to discover and improve bad road conditions.

A digital public service system will also provide citizens with more convenience. Through the Internet, micro blogs and a smart phone application, they will find it easy to find parking spaces and toilets. Law officers will also use the monitoring network for road management such as searching shops which over-occupy their road space allocation and illegal sidewalk parking.

The whole digital city management system is estimated to be completed by 2014.


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