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California Governor to Keynote Alibaba Group


California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who recently announced a major trade mission to Asia later this summer, will be a keynote speaker at the annual Netrepreneur Summit sponsored by Alibaba Group. The summit will take place in Hangzhou on September 11, 2010.

In addition to discussing his perspectives after nearly seven years as chief executive of the world's eighth largest economy, Governor Schwarzenegger will also offer his views on the importance of environmentalism and the need to foster entrepreneurism in order to drive economic growth.

The Netrepreneur Summit, formerly known as the e-Business Conference, will be the highlight of the annual AliFest hosted by Alibaba Group in Hangzhou. This year's AliFest will also feature the 5th Net Products Trade Fair and the Social Responsibility Evening. Governor Schwarzenegger's appearance at the Netrepreneur Summit continues Alibaba Group's tradition of bringing together small businessmen and leading global thought leaders. Previous speakers at Alibaba Group's annual event include former U.S. President Bill Clinton, Starbuck's CEO Howard Schultz, Lenovo Chairman Liu Chuanzhi, and Los Angeles Lakers' Kobe Bryant.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Official Biography

The world knows Arnold Schwarzenegger as a famous bodybuilder and a Hollywood action hero, but he is also a successful businessman, generous philanthropist and California's 38th Governor. Governor Schwarzenegger's most notable accomplishments in his first six years in office include the nation-leading Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 - a bipartisan agreement to combat global warming by reducing California's greenhouse gas emissions - and overhauling the state's workers' compensation system - cutting costs by more than 35 percent. In addition, Governor Schwarzenegger is the first governor in decades to make major investments in improving California's aging infrastructure through his Strategic Growth Plan, helping to reduce congestion and clean the air. He established the Hydrogen Highway and Million Solar Roofs Plan, continuing his leadership in creating a greener environment. In November 2009, more than three years of leadership by Governor Schwarzenegger culminated with the passage of the Safe, Clean and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Act of 2010.

As Governor, he has been California's most effective marketing tool, traveling across the country and around the world promoting California-grown products, cutting-edge technologies and the state's diverse travel destinations. In addition, using his background as an internationally recognized athlete, Governor Schwarzenegger has made restoring health and fitness a top priority. He signed legislation making the state's school nutrition standards the most progressive in the nation and continues to promote healthy habits by taking harmful trans fats out of California restaurants and ensuring nutritional information is available to diners. To improve classrooms across the state and ensure that all California€?s students have access to the world-class education they need to grow, thrive and succeed, Governor Schwarzenegger has led the reform to make California competitive for up to $700 million in federal Race to the Top funds.

Additionally, since he took office, Governor Schwarzenegger has worked to reform California's fiscal policies, create a better business environment, reduce burdens on employment, boost exports and stimulate job growth. Through the end of 2007, California's Gross State Product had grown by 29 percent since the governor took office in 2003.

This world-famous athlete and actor was born in Austria in 1947, and at 20 became the youngest person ever to win the Mr. Universe title. He came to America shortly after, winning an unprecedented 12 more world bodybuilding titles. Challenging both his body and mind, he earned a college degree from the University of Wisconsin and became a U.S. citizen in 1983. Three years later he married broadcast journalist Maria Shriver.

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