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Guiyang releases China's first ecological civilization regulation

By Jia Tingting ( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-07-01

Southwest China's Guizhou province released China's first local regulation on ecological civilization at the provincial level, which will take effect on July 1.

The regulation, focusing on ecological civilization construction, includes 70 articles that called off GDP assessment on counties with fragile ecological environment.

Guizhou will release the regulation to protect the ecological system by leading a green and recyclable way in the ecological barrier area where the upstream of Yangtze River and Wujiang River flows.

According to the regulation, permanent protection will be carried out within the red line area of ecological protection, which occupies more than 30 percent of the national territorial area.

The areas within the red line area includes the forbidden development zones, natural reserve areas, scenic spots, forest parks, wetland parks, the source of drinking water, geological remains, natural monuments, cultural sites, and high quality arable land over 67 hectares.

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