Guiyang Rural and Urban Planning Exhibition Hall opens

Updated: 2012-07-27 18:06


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Guiyang Rural and Urban Planning Exhibition Hall opened to the public on Thursday, attracting thousands of guests attending the Eco-Forum Global, Guiyang.

The exhibition hall was the largest of its kind in China, setting a record in pavilion area, exhibition area and sand table area.

The three records put the Guiyang exhibition hall one step ahead of all famous exhibition halls in Shanghai and Beijing, said Zhou Xinhua, chief designer of the Guiyang Rural and Urban Planning Exhibition Hall.

Covering an area of 22,300 square meters, the has a floor area of up to 20,000 square meters.

The main body of the exhibition hall is a steel structure, with one storey underground and four storeys above. The 34 meter-high building enjoys a long span and large space within itself, shaped like a cube.

The high-tech means used in the exhibition hall attracted much attention from some experts. Tang Zi, professor with the College of Architecture and City Planning under the Tongji University, were deeply impressed by the advanced exhibition means as well as the scale and content of the exhibition.

"In the Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall, only physical models are available. The Guiyang Rural and Urban Planning Exhibition Hall combines physical models, rear projection screens as well as 3D virtual model displays, bringing real-life feelings to visitors," said Tang.

He suggested that interactive activities for citizens be added into the exhibition contents to enhance its overall effectiveness. From July 26 , the exhibition hall will be open to the public all year round.