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City leaders inspect education work, send festive wishes on Teachers' Day

By Zhong Xinyuan Updated: 2015-09-10

Government officials in Zhanjiang, led by city mayor Wang Zhongbing, went on an inspection tour to see how the education reform was carried out in Leizhou, a county-level city in Zhanjiang, and greeted teachers and staff on Sept 9, the day before the Teachers' Day.

Wang talked with teaching staff when he visited middle and primary schools in Leizhou, and sent greetings to rural teachers. He also showed interest in students' learning situation.

Wang were briefed by school leaders in Leizhou about the state of the education in the area. He called on the local government to step up capital appropriation for building a better learning environment and education-oriented city.

According to Wang, education is the seed of civilization, and equal opportunities in education counts as the basis of equality in public service.

On the same day, Zhanjiang held its 31st excellent teacher symposium, where teacher representatives from all over the city exchanged views and shared their teaching experience. 54 teachers, who were selected as excellent teachers in south Guangdong, and three excellent education staff members received commendation from Chen Yun, director at the publicity department of Zhanjiang.
