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Excerpts from the consensus reached at Internet media forum

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-07-18

In 2015, as the Internet in China enters its third decade, we come together in Zhanjiang to discuss how the Internet media can contribute to realize the goals of the Belt and Road Initiative. After consideration and discussion, we formally declare the following consensus:

We will be good communicators of the Belt and Road Initiative by spreading positive energy and enhancing mutual trust.

We will try to communicate with different audiences in local cultural contexts and carry out multidimensional, localized and audience-targeted media coverage. We will innovate in reporting practices and information distribution platforms to tell the stories objectively and accurately.

We will work to become promoters of regional and international exchanges and cooperation and strengthen cross-border cooperation between media organizations.

Excerpts from the consensus reached at Internet media forum

We will proactively establish and perfect the cooperation platforms between Chinese media and media from neighboring countries. We will create practical mechanisms for information exchanges, conduct cross-border interviews, and open up a new stage in interconnection.

We will guide the public to interact and participate in the initiative and to rally behind it.

We will actively set the agenda and be able to hold both online and offline activities. We hope to encourage the over 1 billion Internet users from the countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative to participate in this initiative by giving their opinions.
