Chen Shengyi has been handed over to the provincial authorities because of an investigation into allegations of criminal behavior.
Zhuang Jiahan was appointed Party secretary of the city of Nanping by the provincial Party Committee, on Feb 11.
Liu Qibao, a member of the Politburo Central Committee and head of the Party's Publicity Department, addressed an international two-day seminar on the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative, in the city of Quanzhou, Fujian province, on Feb 12.
Now, Longyan has two districts – Xinluo and Yongding – and five counties – Zhangping, Wuping, Shanghang, Changting and Liancheng – under its jurisdiction.
Celia Wade-Brown, the mayor of Wellington in New Zealand, paid a visit to Xiamen in east China’s Fujian province on Feb 8, in the hope of strengthening the sister-city ties between the two cities.
A delegation from Party and government departments of Dongshan county paid a visit to Pingtan on Jan 25 to learn about its development.