Construction of Ma'ershan Bridge makes progress2014-07-22
The first shaft support pier of the Ma’ershan Bridge in Suao village was completed on July 9.
Construction of rail-road bridge makes progress2014-05-30
Workers started work on the first pile foundations for a rail-road bridge over Haitan Strait in eastern Fujian province on May 16.
Construction starts on railway linking Pingtan and Fuzhou2013-11-05
The construction of the Fuping Railway - which links the capital city of Fuzhou and the island county of Pingtan in Fujian province – began on Oct 31.
Fuzhou-Pingtan railway expected to ease Pingtan traffic woes2013-10-30
The construction of the new Fuzhou-Pingtan railway started on Oct 27, marking the beginning of Pingtan's sea-land intermodal transport era.
Fuping Railway to start construction2013-10-17
Construction work on the Fuping Railway (Fuzhou-Pingtan) is expected to begin on Nov 1 at the latest. The railway will make it possible to travel between Fuzhou and Pingtan in only half an hour.
Villagers relocate to make way for new railway2013-09-25
Local authorities have initiated a land acquisition project in some parts of Pingtan county, Fujian province, to make way for the construction of the Fuping high-speed railway line
Fuping Railway (Pingtan section) to begin construction2013-08-12
The Pingtan section of the Fuping Railway - which links the capital city of Fuzhou and the island county of Pingtan in Fujian province - is expected to begin construction this October.