Customs checkpoint takes on a cool look2014-06-09
The design of a customs checkpoint in the Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone is a combination of aesthetics and modern technology.
Mainstream media focus on Pingtan Closure2014-06-03
Many media outlets, including newspapers, TV stations, and Web portals have reported on the progress of customs in Pingtan.
Construction of customs checkpoint complete2014-04-21
Almost all engineering projects for a customs checkpoint in the Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone are finished, Pingtan Times reported on April 11.
Pingtan's customs checkpoint passes inspection2014-05-16
A customs checkpoint in Pingtan received acceptance from the country’s quality supervision authorities on May 16, Pingtan Times reported.
Pingtan debugs customs info management system2014-05-16
Customs staffers have been debugging an information management system at a checkpoint in Pingtan.