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Injured Taiwan traveler gets help in Pingtan

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-10-10

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A Taiwan tourist who had a hip fracture in the mainland was quickly moved back to Taiwan for treatment, thanks to efforts by the border authority in Pingtan in Fujian province, according to ptnet.cn.

Nizhang Meixue was hurt in Yinchuan city, Northwest China’s Gansu province on Sept 11. After failing to book an instant plane ticket to Taiwan, her family decided to take a ship from Pingtan to Taiwan, taking about three hours.

After receiving a call from the ship’s managing company, the Pingtan border inspection team opened a green channel for Nizhang and facilitated her return journey.

Injured Taiwan traveler gets help in Pingtan

A Taiwan tourist who fractured her hip is transferred onto a Taiwan-bound ship in Pingtan, Fujian province, Sept 12. [Photo/ptnet.cn]