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Yearender: Top 10 major tasks for Pingtan in 2015

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-01-15

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1. Implement work and policies at the free trade zone. Explore the development mode of “pilot zone + free trade port”.

2. Apply for policies regarding construction of the international tourism island. Improve tourism facilities and services. Strive to attract 23 million tourists in 2015.

3. Deepen reform, boost cross-Straits integration, accelerate construction of the free trade port and the international tourism island, facilitate financial services, cultivate the business environment and make innovations in various mechanisms.

4. Attract at least 100 new Taiwanese enterprises, including at least 20 high-tech companies and 10 financial institutions to Pingtan. Strive to bring at least 50 Taiwanese companies to settle in the business incubator. Further cultivate the duty-free Taiwan Commodity Market.

5. Spend at least 10 billion yuan on infrastructure construction and upgrades regarding traffic, water resources, energy, sewage treatment and information communication.

6. Strengthen the preservation of the ecological environment such as stone houses, beaches, coastlines, hills and wetlands. Build or decorate 10 parks and 10 villages.

7. Accelerate construction of engineering projects in Jinjing Bay district and Aoqian Port Areas. Improve passenger and cargo carrying capacities.

8. Make more business promotion efforts targeting Global 500 enterprises, Top 100 Taiwanese enterprises and large state-owned and private enterprises on the Chinese mainland. Strive to attract at least 15 enterprises with an annual output value of 100 million yuan or more.

9. Improve people’s livelihoods by building more resettlement houses, creating some 10,000 job openings and elevating levels of education, medical treatment and pension security.

10. Strive to make the National People’s Congress authorize legislative power to the Fujian People’s Congress. Accelerate the issuance of the Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone Regulations.