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China Post GM praises Pingtan's logistics potential

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2013-12-04

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An inspection group from the state-owned China Post Group, headed by general manger Li Guohua, visited Pingtan on Nov 29 to survey the construction of a logistics park.

Li Dejin, director of the Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone, China's first pilot zone opening up to Taiwan, briefed the guests on Pingtna's construction of infrastructure and the logistics park. He said Pingtan is accelerating the construction for traffic which will help link the island to the mainland.

After the completion of Pingtan-Fuzhou railway, the travel time will be greatly reduced. At the same time, Pingtan will have a closer relation with Taiwan and the development of cross-Straits marine routes.

Pingtan has a lot of potential and competitiveness in modern logistics. It will play a much bigger role in cross-Straits logistics and mail delivery as the navigational condition grows stronger, said Li.

Li added that he hopes Pingtan will develop the supporting facilities of postal service and enhance capabilities of postal delivery.

Edited by Chen Zhilin and Nigel Moffiet