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The 4th Cross-Strait Media Summit kicks off in Fuzhou

( www.chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2012-08-28

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The fourth Cross-Strait Media Summit kicked off in Fujian Hall on Aug 26. The opening ceremony was attended by: Yuan Rongxiang, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee; Xie Guoming, deputy editor-in-chief of People’s Daily; and Fan Liqing, deputy director of the Information Department of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council.

Fujian officials from relevant departments, heads of more than 30 cross-Straits media and roughly 100 researchers participated in the summit. The guests discussed the responsibilities and challenges cross-Straits media face in rejuvenating Chinese culture.

A display of new media innovations impressed the guests with advanced technology, products and ideas. Cross-Straits media representatives shared a common vision to promote Chinese culture and discussed cooperation and exchange between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan. The discussions ultimately led to the signing of a joint proposal on propelling the prosperity of Chinese culture.

Since 2009, the Cross-Strait Media Summit has been held three times in Fuzhou, Taiwan and Lushan Mountain, respectively. The summit has greatly promoted cooperation and exchange among cross-Straits media, including journalist interaction, media collaboration, joint interviews and brand campaign co-sponsorships.

Edited by Lin Hong, Lei Jiawen and Michael Thai