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Cross-Straits Art Exchange opens in Fujian

( www.chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2012-08-06

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The Eighth Cross-Straits Art Exchange opened in the Fujian Folk Art Museum on Aug 4. For the first time, wood carvings and classical furniture are on exhibition at the Cross-Straits Art Exchange. As many as 145 pieces of rare wooden artwork are on display.

The exchange has three special exhibitions: wood carving, the Four Treasures of Study and classical furniture. Among the 56 pieces of wood carvings are “Lin Zexu” by Lin Xueshan, “The White-Haired Lady” by She Guoping, and “Kwan-yin Viewing Lotus” by Li Fengrong. These three artists are great masters of the wood-carving craft.

Edited by Lin Hong, Zhao Lu and Michael Thai