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Taiwan rice debuts in mainland

By Chen Zhilin and Bai Le ( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2012-07-26

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Rice from Taiwan was allowed to be exported to the mainland in June, and a large amount of rice will leave Taiwan for Fujian province on July 27 for the very first time, according to the Taiwan Agriculture & Food Agency, Council of Agriculture Executive.

The produce, weighing 100 tons, was purchased from Taiwan's Union Rice Co Ltd by COFCO, China's largest supplier of food and agricultural products.,It will be on sale in mainland supermarkets. The first 20 tons will be exported on July 27, and the remaining 80 tons are expected in August and September.

The rice was irrigated with water from Zhuoshui River, the longest in Taiwan, in the island's Changhua county.

Zhuang Lizhu, chairman of Union Rice Co Ltd, believes that the rice is expected to gain popularity with customers in the mainland market. The company is also planning to export its rice to Shanghai, Guangzhou, and other mainland cities.

Edited by Emily Cheng