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Within the city of Fuzhou, other ‘cities’ rise
Updated: 2010-08-12

“City complexes” or “multifunctional city,” though not a very familiar term among the public, has already become the hottest phrase in city planning and the most attractive phrase in the business world. In Fuzhou, city complexes are already on the agenda for Fuzhou’s future development.

Within the city of Fuzhou, other ‘cities’ rise

Over RMB 20 billion has been committed to eight projects aimed at providing convenient and efficient services in terms of housing, shopping, entertainment, education and work. Taijiang Finance city complexes, Cangshan Wanda Square, Haixi merchandise exchange center are among areas to be developed as city complexes in Fuzhou.

Within the city of Fuzhou, other ‘cities’ rise

City complexes or multifunctional city refer to an area or a part of a city, in which many different kinds of buildings are assembled efficiently. The arrangement of these building aims to provide convenient and efficient services in housing, shopping, entertainment and all aspects of city life. People living in or near this area can enjoy a comfortable life in the city.

Logistics centers, like Sunning logistics and distribution center and Lianjiang steel exchange center, will also be constructed.

Five-star hotels, seafood supermarkets, agricultural produce markets, shopping malls and other facilities and infrastructures needed for daily life have long been on the list of Fuzhou’s city planning.

By Tang Zhi