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Guihu Hot Spring Therapy & Holiday Center
Updated: 2010-03-25

1. General contact unit of project: Fuzhou Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade & Economic  Cooperation

Contact person: Zhao Wanming

Contact tel:0591-83212023/83212037

Contact fax:0591-83212109

E-mail: fzipd@163.com

2. Undertaking unit of project, person in charge & contact tel., fax or e-mail:

Undertaking unit: Fujian Provincial Futie Mansion

Person in charge: Zhao Shuwang

Contact tel.: 0591-87590978 

Fax: 0591-87590978

3. Content, construction scale and site choice of project:

Content: Futie Mansion

Site: No. 508 Hualin Rd., Fuzhou (to the west of the square of Fuzhou Railway Station)

4. Reasons for and conditions of project construction

The project’s construction was started in 1993. Fujian Provincial Futie Mansion Co., Ltd. was established as a joint venture between H.K. Weihengtong Co., Ltd., and Fuzhou Railway Sub-bureau. After the completion of the building’s main structure, its construction had been had been paused for many reasons. Then at the beginning of 2008, its construction was resumed and now decoration and reconstruction are under way. The mansion consists of 24 floors with 35,000 square meters of floor space. Floors 1-5 are to be used for malls and hotels and floors 6-24 for office and accommodation.

5. Total project investment: USD 25 million

6. Cooperation mode: sale and lease

Source: fuzhou.gov.cn