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Education boon for African students

By Cheng Yu ( China Daily )

Updated: 2018-08-30

Elernity, the education subsidiary of NetDragon Websoft Inc, has signed an education initiative with the Nigerian government, as part of its broader efforts to help students from across Africa access high-quality education through its cutting-edge technologies.

Under the Initiative of Digital Education in Africa or IDEA, NetDragon will help Nigeria to build an education system covering primary education, lifelong learning and education in the future.

The company will leverage its technological competitiveness and introduce some cutting-edge technologies including virtual reality and augmented reality to offer African kids an immersive learning process.

The move came as data from UNESCO showed that Nigeria has more than 10 million children out of school, making it one of the highest in the world.

"There is a global education resource imbalance, not only in terms of investment in hardware but also soft resources allocation," said Liu Dejian, founder and chairman of the board at NetDragon.

"The IDEA concept aims to allow students across Africa to benefit from the wisdom of a Chinese internet company and to provide technology-enhanced education to more children," he added.

Elernity, founded in 2010, was established to help Net-Dragon tap into the education sector and transform the parent from a games-only player to a games-and-education firm.

Over the past years, Elernity has developed and launched a string of integrated education-al devices including smart boards, panels, and feedback and evaluation systems. These mainly help teachers to educate and interact with students more efficiently.

Xiong Li, CEO of NetDragon, said that the program also aims to meet the United Nation's Sustainability and Development Goals, to "promote inclusive, quality education and lifelong learning for all".

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