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Taiwan youth realizes startup dream in Pingtan

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2018-05-08

In May 2017, Lin was appointed general vice manager of Pingtan FTZ Cross-Straits Development Co, responsible for the development of new tourism projects and operations, such as the Tanshui village.

Thanks to his prior achievements in Beigang, Lin is confident in replicating the success story elsewhere.

"We're planning to build Tanshui into an art village, a hub for artists to create and display their works," said Lin, adding that homestay businesses would be a big draw for the youth of Pingtan to return to their hometowns.

Lin said such opportunities give a chance for cross-Straits talents to work together and complement each other's skill sets.

"Young men from the mainland, especially from Fujian, have rich local resources while those from Taiwan are experienced in cultural design and services," Lin said.

It is a dream for many youths from Taiwan to run their own café or homestay, said Lin, adding that in Taiwan the markets for such things have become too saturated.

The market in Pingtan, however, is still on the rise and Lin encouraged more savvy would-be entrepreneurs to seize the opportunity.

In recent years, Pingtan has rolled out a raft of preferential policies to support Taiwan youth in starting their own businesses in the city, ranging from government subsidies, tax breaks to technical support.

According to the 31 measures issued by the central government earlier this year, people from Taiwan will gradually be granted equal status with residents of the Chinese mainland with regard to entrepreneurship, employment, education and living.

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