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Summit to focus on national digitalization

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2018-04-09

A national summit centered on China's digitalization process is scheduled to be held in Fuzhou, capital city of Southeast China's Fujian province in late April, local media reported.

Currently, the preparatory work for the conference is in full swing in Fuzhou.

According to the organizing committee, the summit will comprise of a main forum and eight sub-forums with an array of themes ranging from smart government, digital economy, big data to internet of things.

A total of 30 smart government building model projects across the country will be picked out and displayed amid the event.

China is pressing ahead with the building of "smart government", that is, to promote the administrative reform and increase government service efficiency via the application of cutting-edge electronic information techs. Fujian is no exception.

"We've increased efforts to improve the availability of government services on the internet, and our aim is that administrative affairs can be approved online." said Tang Dengjie, governor of Fujian Provinical People's Government and deputy to the 13th National People's Congress, on the sidelines of the annual legislative session in Beijing.

According to Tang, Now, the average time that Fujian residents take to deal with affairs with government departments has decreased to about four days.

"We'll take the opportunity of hosting the Digital China Summit next month to further boost digital construction and establish an online center to help people deal with administrative affairs." Tang said.

"We will make the handling of affairs with government departments as easy as shopping online for both residents and businesses," pledged the governor.

Meanwhile, the conference will also shine a spotlight on the digital economy accomplishments China has achieved since the 18th CPC National Congress. More than 200 domestic and foreign enterprises in the sector have confirmed their participation.

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