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Hong Kong rope skipping union visits Xiamen

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2018-04-03

Hong Kong rope skipping union visits Xiamen

Players from Hong Kong Rope Skipping Association perform Double Dutch during their visit in Xiamen. [Photo/xmnn.cn]

Hong Kong Rope Skipping Association came to Xiamen to make friendly exchanges with a local school, Xiamen Daily reported on April 1.

Twenty nine middle school students have been organized by the Hong Kong association to visit the coastal city's Haicang School Affiliated to Xiamen Shuangshi Middle School, many of whom are winners of international contests.

Liang Zhangjian, chairman of the Hong Kong Rope Skipping Association, said that their best performance was 670 jumps in two minutes.

Starting from 2015, the Hong Kong association would organize its players to communicate with Chinese mainland players every year to enhance the friendship between the teenagers from the two places.

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