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Ceramics hub seeks leisure agricultural development

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2018-03-14

An expansive field of blossoms in Dehua, a county-level city in Southeast China's Fujian province, has come into a full bloom in recent days.

A traditional ceramics hub in Fujian, Dehua is the biggest ceramic art ware manufacturer and export base in China.

Currently, the county is in the midst of transforming its traditional agricultural methods, and has been promoting tourism through increasing the number of leisure agricultural activities on offer.

Ceramics hub seeks leisure agricultural development

 Fully-bloomed pear flowers in the Shuikou town, Dehua county, Fujian province [Photo/fjsen.com]

Ceramics hub seeks leisure agricultural development

The blooming daisy blossoms in the Shuikou town, Dehua county, Fujian province draw many a visitors. [Photo/fjsen.com]

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