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Panorama of flowery Fujian

By Liu Sitong ( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2017-03-10

Pear blossoms

Pear blossoms blowing with the wind or bathing in a fine rain is a dreamy scene that arouses sentimental feelings. The subtle, sweet scent stands out in the fresh air after the rain. Below are places to admire these white petal fairies.

1. Guanmi village in Nanping

Best time: late March to early April

Panorama of flowery Fujian
Pear blossoms in Guanmi village, Nanping prefecture. [Photo/WeChat:Fjta12301]

2. Fengyuan village in Sanming

Best time: March to April

Panorama of flowery Fujian
A quaint cottage is surrounded by pear trees. [Photo/WeChat:Fjta12301]


Wenquan Park in downtown Fuzhou is the best place to enjoy a dazzling array of tulips in a bouquet of colors from mid-February to May.

Panorama of flowery Fujian
Colorful tulips grace Wenquan Park in downtown Fuzhou. [Photo/WeChat:Fjta12301]

Panorama of flowery Fujian
Colorful tulips grace Wenquan Park in downtown Fuzhou. [Photo/WeChat:Fjta12301]

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