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Find VR, AR updates at 2017 Xiamen int’l expo

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2017-02-16

Some of the latest creations from leaders in VR and AR fields will strike a pose on the stage, such as the HTC VIVE wireless series made by TPCAST producer, submarine VR applications presented by Noitom Technology Ltd, VR robot arm, and the newest product developed by a manufacturer of the lightest AR eyewear, Beijing Shingyun Technology Co., Ltd.

Find VR, AR updates at 2017 Xiamen int’l expo

A scene acts as a demonstration of AR technology. [Photo/vrsdexpo.com]

Find VR, AR updates at 2017 Xiamen int’l expo

People put on head-mounted displays to experience VR/AR at a conference. [Photo/vrsdexpo.com]

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