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African diplomatic corps speaks highly of Pingtan's rapid development

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2016-12-19

A corps composed of diplomats from 36 African countries paid a visit to Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone in Fujian province on Dec 13, Pingtan Times reported.

Lin Wenyao, director of the administrative committee of Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone, extended a warm welcome to the diplomatic corps and briefly introduced the city's social and economic development in recent years.

Lin said that, thanks to great support from the central government, Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone has made tremendous progress in its economic strength, infrastructure construction and industrial development over the past six years. Currently, it is in the middle of a drive to promote industrial transformation and upgrading, and is working to open up its market and become one of China's gateways to the global economy.

He added that Pingtan is willing to further strengthen economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation with African countries, and expressed the hope that the members of the diplomatic corps could act as bridges to create more opportunities for Pingtan and their home countries to arrange economic cooperation and cultural exchanges in the future.

The diplomats present were all impressed by Pingtan's rapid recent development, and said that they were also looking forward to strengthening communications with cities in Fujian province, including Pingtan.

After getting to know Pingtan's overall development strategy, Issam Keidel Ahmed, Sudan's envoy to China, said: "Pingtan has great development potential and bright prospects. At present, it is actively building itself into an international tourism island and we shall explore the possibilities of combining Pingtan tourism and African tourism together."

Said Carlos Akenbon, Ghana's charge d'affaires in China: "Pingtan is a unique, beautiful island. I hope the local government will attach equal importance to economic development and ecological protection at the same time. We have learned some valuable lessons from Pingtan, and when we return to our countries, we may build an island like Pingtan, providing more jobs for local people."

African diplomatic corps speaks highly of Pingtan's rapid development

A corps composed of diplomats from 36 African countries receive a tour of Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone in Fujian province on Dec 13. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

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