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Art show sheds light on one of Zhangzhou’s great modern educators

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2016-12-09

A new exhibition of art works and private correspondence by one of Zhangzhou's greatest modern artists, scholars and educators, Huang Zhongqin, opened at the Art Museum of Zhangzhou on Dec 6.

The exhibition was curated by Wang Songbai, a collector and the owner of the Songyunge venue in Zhangzhou, which is known for its prodigious collection of calligraphy works, paintings, and ancient furniture pieces.

Wang has been collecting artifacts pertaining to the famous early-20th century scholar and patron of modern education for more than a decade, and his collection now includes more than 100 items.

For the exhibition in the name of Huang, Wang offered his precious collection. The items on show include calligraphy works, paintings and manuscripts by Huang; the letters and art works he exchanged with historian Gu Jiegang, linguist Guo Shaoyu, and novelist Xu Dishan and other like-minded friends; Huang's private collection of art works created by literati from Fujian regions and beyond through Ming Dynasty (1368-1644); as well as the seals Huang used and the books he gleaned.

The art exhibits cover a wide time span and a diversity of subjects. Appreciating the exhibition presents a chance for visitors to see the splendid cultural landscape of China in the past centuries through Huang's own creative efforts and the ones he spent a lifetime collecting.

Wang is also looking to build a memorial hall dedicated to Huang to better promote Zhangzhou's local cultural heritage.


Art show sheds light on one of Zhangzhou’s great modern educators

One of Huang Zhongqin's calligraphy works measures 41 by 91 centimeters. [Photo from Art Museum of Zhangzhou]


Brief bio of Huang Zhongqin

Huang Zhongqin was born into a merchant's family in Zhangzhou in 1884. His life spanned the late Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) and modern China till 1942. He received both traditional Chinese and modern Western styles of education as Chinese society underwent great changes in the early years of his life.

Huang was recognized as one of the most outstanding figures in the past century by Zhangzhou's local government in 2007 for the remarkable work he did to promote modern education and the study of local history in Zhangzhou, both as a government official and in a personal capacity.

Exhibition info

Duration: Dec 6 to 12

Location: 3rd Floor, Art Museum of Zhangzhou, 1 Yingbin Road, Longwen district, Zhangzhou, Fujian province

Bus lines and bus stops nearby:

Visitors may get on Line 1, Line 10, Line 23, or Tourist Line 1 and stop at People's Square South Station (人民广场南站);

Or ride Line 1, Line 5, Line 10, Line 23 or Tourist Line 2 to reach No. 3 Hospital Station (第三医院站).

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