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Historical differences not to affect cross-Strait ties

( Xinhua )

Updated: 2015-09-07

BEIJING - A Chinese mainland spokesperson said on Friday that there are differences between mainland and Taiwan on some historical issues but that should not affect cross-Strait ties.

Ma Xiaoguang, spokesperson for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, said that inviting people from Taiwan to Beijing to attend the commemorations of the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II is expected to promote the awareness of the war history and the Chinese nation's spirit in the war among compatriots on both sides of the Strait.

"As we know, differences exist between the two sides regarding the evaluation of the counter-Japanese war history, but that should not affect the progress and the atmosphere for the peaceful development of cross-Strait ties," Ma said.

Ma said such differences can be solved step by step through enhanced cross-Strait exchanges such as sharing historical documents and compiling historical books together.

Noting that the fight against Japanese aggressors 70 years ago has transcended party differences and got the entire Chinese nation united in the war, the spokesperson said people of the mainland and Taiwan at present may as well overcome all prejudices and divergences and work together for the nation's future.

He said to promote the peaceful development of cross-Strait ties should be a mission of the history for all responsible political parties and political figures at the two sides of the Strait.

He called on the two sides to make joint efforts in promoting cross-Strait development on the basis of adhering to the "1992 consensus" and opposing "Taiwan independence."

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