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Taiwan tour guides bullish about Pingtan

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-07-09

Pingtan’s tourism has vast potential with a bright future lying ahead, according to Taiwan tour guides, reported local news portal ptnet.cn.

A delegation of more than 120 people from Taiwan, including officials and tour guides from some 50 travel agencies, visited Pingtan, an island county in Fujian province on June 22, to get familiar with famous scenic resorts.

Some of them will work for a travel agency in Fujian soon.

All of the tour guides agreed that Pingtan will become a popular transfer stop for travelers from both sides of the Taiwan Straits.

“Passengers from Taiwan can take two ships to Pingtan now, which saves a lot of time and energy,” said Qiu Yu, deputy manager of a travel agency.

“Pingtan boasts beautiful beaches and rare sea-erosion landscapes so it can be the first stop for Taiwan visitors to the mainland. With the opening of Hefei-Fuzhou high-speed railway, we plan to prepare a variety of tourism packages including famous scenic spots on the route,” he said.

Taiwan tour guides bullish about Pingtan
Tourists at Shi Pai Yang, or Double-Sail Rock, in Pingtan, Fujian province. [Photo/ptnet.cn]

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