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Sand sculpture festival opens in Pingtan

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-07-01

A gala was held to mark the opening of a sand sculpture culture festival in Pingtan, Fujian province, on June 19.

Organizers invited local young street dancers on the stage in a bid to blend some fashion sense omto the show.

“Young people represent energy and future. We hope the street dancers can bring out the best of Pingtan,” said Lin Meilan with the organizing committee.

The overall theme of this year’s sand sculpture festival is the Maritime Silk Road. Top sand sculptors will come to Pingtan with their creations, which will make the festival a high-end tourism brand and calling card for the city.

The festival will run through mid October, held at a local park divided into seven exhibition zones based on different themes. Organizers also rolled out entertaining programs including sand skiing, water screen films and mist spray channels.

Sand sculpture festival opens in Pingtan

Sand sculptures on display during the 2015 Pingtan Sand Sculpture Festival, on June 28. [Photo/ptnet.cn]

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