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Fujian Party chief meets HK chief executive

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-06-02

Fujian province and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region both intend to take their relations to new heights, following a meeting between You Quan, Fujian’s Party Secretary, and Leung Chun-ying, HK’s chief executive on June 1.

Fujian Party chief meets HK chief executive

You Quan (L), Party Secretary of Fujian province, shakes hands with Leung Chun-ying, Hong Kong’s chief executive, during a meeting in Hong Kong on June 1. You led a delegation to HK to revisit Fujianese there and promote business. [Photo/Fujian Daily]

You led a delegation to Hong Kong on May 31 aiming at visiting Fujianese there and promoting business.

Fujian and Hong Kong established a special partnership and reached consensus on a range of issues when Leung led an economic and trade delegation to Fujian in January 2014, which has harvested good results, said You.

He added that the Fujian-HK collaboration will nourish both sides, and he hoped Leung would push for the cooperation.

Leung congratulated Fujian on its social and economic progress over the years, and pledged to keep up full-scale cooperation.

“Hong Kong and Fujian have always boasted close ties. We can complement each other’s industries and achieve mutual growth,” he said.

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